Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked in his Bandra high-rise apartment when an intruder broke in and stabbed him multiple times. The attack, which left Saif critically injured with six stab wounds, including one to his neck, has raised concerns about the safety of celebrities in Mumbai. Saif is currently recovering after undergoing emergency surgery.
Shah Rukh Khan’s Mannat Intrusion Attempt
Just days earlier, an unidentified man attempted to trespass into Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic bungalow, Mannat. The intruder climbed the outer wall but was stopped by protective netting, preventing further entry. Authorities are investigating whether this was a random act or part of a targeted plan against the superstar.
Possible Connection Between the Two Incidents
Police suspect that the individual responsible for attacking Saif Ali Khan may be the same person who attempted to enter Shah Rukh Khan’s residence. Investigations are underway to confirm any connection between the two incidents.
Details of the Intruder
CCTV footage shows the suspect leaving Saif’s building, wearing a brown collared T-shirt and a red scarf. His face is clearly visible, aiding the ongoing investigation.
Additional Injuries Reported
A staff nurse and a domestic worker also suffered injuries during the incident, with both victims treated for blade wounds, as confirmed in the police report.
Celebrity Safety Under Scrutiny
These incidents highlight the growing concern for the safety of public figures in Mumbai, with authorities urging increased security measures for celebrities.