ASI Confirms No Structural Damage Despite Seepage
Viral Video Shows Waterlogged Garden on Taj Mahal Premises
A video showing one of the gardens of the Taj Mahal submerged in rainwater went viral on Thursday, drawing attention from visiting tourists. The heavy rains caused significant water accumulation on the monument’s premises.
ASI Confirms Leakage But No Damage to Main Dome
Officials from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) Agra Circle reassured that the main dome of the Taj Mahal experienced minor water leakage due to seepage, but there was no structural damage. Rajkumar Patel, the Superintending Chief of ASI Agra Circle, said, “Yes, we have witnessed the leakage in the main dome of the Taj Mahal. After checking through a drone camera, we confirmed there was no damage.”
Tour Guides Express Concern Over the Monument’s Maintenance
Monika Sharma, a government-approved tour guide, emphasized the importance of preserving the Taj Mahal as it provides livelihood to hundreds of locals involved in the tourism industry. “Proper care should be taken of the monument because for the tourism industry people, it is the only hope,” she remarked.
Agra Faces Waterlogging Issues Due to Continuous Rain
In addition to affecting the Taj Mahal, the persistent rain in Agra caused waterlogging across the city. Major highways were choked, crops submerged, and upscale residential areas faced severe waterlogging.